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    Change of Use

    Altering or changing the use of land or buildings may require an application to be lodged with the Local Government.  A Local Government Town Planning Scheme outlines various land uses and further defines them.  Subsequently the Town Planning Scheme zoning table identifies which uses are appropriate for each zoning.  There are land uses that are not permitted within some zones.

    Prior to altering or changing the use of land or a building it is suggested it be confirmed with the applicable Local Government whether a Town Planning application is required.  It is also suggested that a Building Surveyor, such as Scribe Building Compliance is contacted so as to ensure there are no complications in terms of altering the building classification under the Building Codes of Australia (BCA).


    Feeling overwhelmed?  Scribe Planning is here to collate your application to change the use of a building.  With sound experience in interpreting Town Planning framework and legislation, Scribe Planning will ensure all applicable Town Planning provisions are appropriately addressed so the extent of information accompanying your application for Town Planning approval is adequate.  In addition to this Scribe Planning has the ability to liaise internally with Scribe Building Compliance to ensure there are no complications under the BCA in terms of building classification.  Collectively Scribe Group will ensure your proposal to change the use of a building is feasible.

    Town Planning and Development Approval Application

    An application for Town Planning approval is required when a proposed development is not deemed-to-comply or is not exempt from requiring Town Planning approval.  An application is assessed based on its merits in conjunction with applicable Town Planning provisions.  A Town Planning application provides the Local Government with an opportunity to consider the potential impact a proposed development may have upon existing surrounding development, or anticipated future development.  When applying for Town Planning approval an application may be required to be accompanied by sufficient information addressing relevant Town Planning provisions.

    Scribe Planning is able to take the complexity out of obtaining Town Planning approval.  Scribe Planning provides you with an opportunity to ensure your project plans are collated in conjunction with relevant Town Planning legislative provisions.  Through undertaking an assessment of your development prior to seeking Town Planning approval, Scribe Planning has the ability to provide an overview of variations sought against relevant Town Planning provisions.  With feasibility considered you may elect to make alterations to your plans, or proceed with seeking discretion from the Local Government for proposed variations.  An application for Town Planning approval is required to be accompanied by sufficient justification, addressing such Town Planning provisions.  Scribe Group is available to liaise with you and guide you through your project from concept to approval.  With a wealth of knowledge and an experienced internal support network, liaising with Scribe Group from the commencement of your project will ensure your plans are drafted with regard to required Town Planning provisions.

    A thorough understanding of legislative provisions and the Town Planning application process in hand with the ability to liaise effectively with Local Government ensures Scribe Planning will see your application progress smoothly and efficiently.  Your approval can be obtained in a timely manner as a result of submitting a complete and thorough application for Town Planning approval.  Scribe Planning can confidently assist in seeking Local Government Town Planning discretion for your proposed development.

    Single House and Ancillary Structure Assessment and Verification

    Where a proposed single house, ancillary dwelling or ancillary structure to a single house (i.e. patio, carport, outbuilding) fully complies with the deemed-to-comply criteria under the Residential Design Codes (RCodes) an assessment may be provided verifying that the development is exempt from requiring Local Government Town Planning approval.  Note this is not applicable for grouped dwelling, multiple dwelling or non-residential development.

    Scribe Planning is available to undertake an assessment of your proposed single house, ancillary dwelling or single house ancillary structure.  As a result of this assessment an overview of any variations sought will be provided.  Subsequent to this amendments to plans may be elected so as to achieve full compliance with the deemed-to-comply criteria under the RCodes, preventing the need to lodge an application with the Local Government.  Noting Local Government has up to 90 days to determine an application, under the Town Planning and Development Act (2005).  Where your single house or associated ancillary structure is deemed-to-comply an assessment will be provided verifying the development is exempt from requiring an R-Code variation or Town Planning approval.

    R-Code Variation

    Where a proposed single house, ancillary dwelling or ancillary structure (i.e. patio, carport, outbuilding) does not meet the deemed-to-comply criteria under the Residential Design Codes (R-Codes – SPP3.1) or local planning Policy, an application for an R-Code variation is lodged with the Local Government for assessment.  This requirement varies between Local Government authorities, where by some require an application be lodged with the Town Planning services and some require an R-Code Variation application be lodged with Building Surveying.  Either way, when varying deemed-to-comply criteria of the R-Codes or Policy pertaining to the R-Codes an application is required to be lodged with the Local Government for assessment and determination and adequate justification provided against the associated design principles under the R-Codes.

    Where variations against the deemed-to-comply criteria of the R-Codes or relevant local planning Policy are identified an opportunity to amend or alter your design may be provided.  You may elect to amend or proceed with seeking a variation from the Local Government.  With substantiated experience in collating justification against the associated design principles under the R-Codes or associated Policy, it would be a pleasure to assist with your project.

    Rezoning or Scheme Amendment

    The rezoning of land requires an amendment to the applicable Local Government Town Planning Scheme.  The zoning of a land parcel determines which uses may be considered on that land.  Rezoning land essentially changes the zoning of land from one (i.e. Residential) to another (i.e. Commercial).  As a result the land uses that may be considered on that property are now in accordance with the new zoning.  When seeking to rezone land it should first be determined that the new zoning would integrate appropriately with the surrounding zoning/s in conjunction with the planning framework.

    Applications for Scheme Amendments (rezoning) are required to be accompanied by appropriate concept plans and mapping, in addition to justification against Town Planning policies and strategies applicable under both State and Local Government.  A thorough overview as to why the rezoning is sought is also required to accompany the Scheme Amendment application.

    The Local Government Scheme Amendment fee varies dependent upon the scale of amendment proposed i.e. Basic (administrative amendment), Standard (less strategic or complex) or Complex (significant in scale strays from the planning framework).  The Local Government will categorize the Scheme Amendment into one of the above.

    Scribe Planning is able to assist in determining whether your desire to pursue a Scheme Amendment is consistent with the local planning framework.  We are available to effectively liaise with Local Government prior to and throughout the Scheme Amendment process.  From the point of confirming the project will progress and upon your request relevant concept plans and mapping can be collated.  Relevant plans can be collated in house under Scribe Design further streamlining the application process whilst preventing delay.  Scribe Planning will ensure all required documentation accompanies your application so the Scheme Amendment progresses in a timely manner.

    Subdivision and Amalgamation

    Applications for subdivision and amalgamation are lodged and determined by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).  The application is referred to Local Government, public authorities, utility service providers and other agencies considered applicable.  This provides an opportunity to comment and impose conditions on the proposed subdivision or amalgamation relative to their area of expertise.   Conditions of approval must be complied with and cleared by the agency that has imposed them.

    Prior to pursuing an application for subdivision it is strongly suggested it first be determined whether a subdivision may be feasible.  Whilst the minimum and average site area requirements may be compatible, site constraints and restrictions should also be considered in determining feasibility.

    Scribe Planning in conjunction with Scribe Design is available to design and collate plans for your proposed subdivision.  We are able to collate all relevant documentation and guide your subdivision application through the WAPC application process.  Scribe Planning will further assist in seeking clearance of all conditions once fulfilled, which have been imposed upon your property as a result of obtaining subdivision approval from the WAPC.